
Parents-Teacher Meeting is a great way to open a two-way communication between the parents and the teachers. Keeping this in mind the Parent Teacher Meeting for the current session was conducted on Thursday dated 28-09-2023The main objective of the meeting was to create a common platform, where teachers and parents could come together to discuss student’s performance and devise ways to enrich their learning experience. The meeting had been arranged for the 2nd, 4th and 6th (MA replacement) semesters of BS programs. All the departments of social sciences block joined to make this meeting fruitful. The parents were intimated about the meeting well in advance through Coordinators.

During the PTM teachers got the opportunity to interact with the parents and share the comprehensive feedback with the aim to bring out the best in the child. The parents were quite satisfied with the progress of their wards and appreciated the efforts collectively made by the college and the teachers towards the holistic development of their child. Overall, it was a positive and a fruitful interaction for both the teachers and the parents.

Engaging parents in their ward’s education is a potentially important way of supporting better learning outcomes. Participating faculties and parents approached the online teacher-parent meetings with interest. They stated that such online meetings were beneficial and considerably functional since it eliminate time-place dependence. Findings presents strong evidence that parents’ involvement in institutional activities can have a significant positive effect on students’ learning. In the short term, better performing students benefitted more from the program; but over time, as more meetings organized gradually the low-performing students too began to benefit. As a joint efforts, parents agreed to keep a close vigilance on the actions of their child, and to keep in constant touch with the counsellors