The Defence Day celebration began with the arrival of Principal Prof. Dr. Sidra Aamir, who inaugurated the event with enthusiasm. The program commenced with the flag-raising ceremony, followed by a symbolic tree planting in memory of Pakistan’s martyrs, honoring their eternal sacrifice.
Following the National Anthem, students participated in national songs competition, showcasing their patriotic spirit. A speech competition came next, where students reflected on the courage and dedication of the Pakistan Army. The event also included documentaries and dramatic performances, shedding light on the 1965 war and the valor of the armed forces.
Towards the end of the program, Principal Prof. Dr. Sidra Aamir delivered her closing remarks. She expressed pride in the students and staff for their efforts in organizing such a meaningful event, reminding everyone of the importance of Defence Day and the sacrifices of the martyrs. She encouraged students to carry the spirit of patriotism throughout the year and contribute positively to the nation’s progress.
The event concluded with a prize distribution ceremony, where the top performers of the competitions were awarded for their exceptional contributions. Finally, a heartfelt prayer was offered for the martyrs and the continued prosperity of Pakistan. The day was marked by enthusiastic participation from both students and staff, commemorating the nation’s strength and resilience.