Head of Department Message
I am honoured to serve as head of the Applied Psychology department, Govt. Queen Mary Graduate College (GQMGC), Lahore. I would like to offer you a glimpse into the field of Applied Psychology, as it is the study of human behaviour and mental processes. The strategic plan of the department is to focus on two significant aspects of human life. Firstly, to advance the understanding of human behaviour, cognition, and emotions and secondly, welfare of society by the application of psychological principles to solve the problems of practical life, here the word Applied Psychology fulfils its complete meaning. I encourage students to study Applied Psychology and assure that this subject will help them in understanding their own lives and the lives of the others as well. Applied Psychology department is working hard to develop skilled professionals to establish a peaceful and flourishing community.

- Shazia Aslam
- Head of Applied Psychology Department.
- Govt. Queen Mary Graduate College, Lahore.